
Feb 1, 2011

Understanding Slide Layout In A Presentation

Have you ever seen a presentation which has content all over the place, and you wonder, which part to look at first?  The slide may have charts on one side, text on another side and pictures on another side. They presenter assumes that since they are explaining what is written, the audience will ‘get it’.

Such slides typically happen when presenters use presentation templates provided along with their presentation software. While such complex presentation templates make the presenter look intelligent, they confuse the audience. 

The reason for such ppt slides confusing the audience is – the way we read. 

When we read, eyes typically travel in the following order: 

1.       From left to right
2.       Top to down and
3.       Clockwise
Given this order of reading slides, can you imagine how confused the audience becomes trying to read the slides with a lot of content?

A good presentation template should have content placed in a way that audience can read without feeling confused. The presenter’s aim is to always keep the audience focused on his content and not on reading tough to understand slides.

How much content on the slide is too much? Here are 2 simple rules to determine if there is too much content on the slide. 

1.       Follow the eye movement: Using the order in which eyes move, read the slide and see if your eye movements are smooth. If the eyes move in a zigzag way, then the ppt template is too complex and needs to be simplified.

For example if the slide requires the reader to move his eyes from left to right, it is simple enough. If it requires the audience to read from left to right and up to down and left to right again, it is too complex. 

2.       Two is company, three is a crowd: This common saying holds good for slides as well. If there are more than 2 types of elements on the slide, it is probably too complex. By elements, I mean a text box or graph or an image. For example, when a presentation template has text box, image and a table, it counts as 3 elements. It is probably too complex and needs to be simplified. 

Remember, that adding a new slide does not cost anything. It is better to add another slide than to confuse your audience. When you confuse your audience, they stop paying attention to what you are saying. 

So, whether you are selecting a ppt template, a presentation background or a readily available presentation template, remember to use 2 elements or less in a slide. We have seen a number of templates on offer that use strong colours as well as too many elements on a slide. If you are looking to make your message stand in a clear and simple way, do check the site BuyAPresentation. 

Remember to keep your audience focused on your message.

Jan 24, 2011

5 tips to make a more Professional Company Presentation

At the end of every college year, companies start brushing up their presentations to make it more professional and interesting. Their aim is to get the best of new talent and they compete with companies from across industries for this.

Here are 5 tips on how to make your presentation really stands out and attract maximum new employees.
1.       Use professional presentation templates

Many times managers find it is convenient to use the existing presentation with modified data. Company presentations have too much space allocated to logo and color related branding. The people you present to will get their impression of your company based on the quality of presentation you use. Low quality images, poor opening slides, unprofessional ppt backgrounds etc. reflect badly on your company. Check online on sites like BuyAPresentation for professional ppt templates that truly reflect what your company is about – from title images to slide backgrounds to diagrams.

2.       Sell your company

A company presentation is not just about your company, but also about the audience. Include slides that will tell them what they can expect when they join you. This will ensure that they attend the company interviews with interest. Tell them what is unique about the company, how their career will progress. Give them examples of people who have done well with you.

3.       Dress to reflect your company

It is not just about the slides and the presentation template. You also reflect your company image.  Dress the way you would dress to work on a good day. If your company  is professional one, wear a suit, if it is about fun and being laid back, wear what feels comfortable.

4.       Prepare for question and answer questions

While a professional company presentation covers basics like salary, locations and career paths, potential employees are bound to have questions beyond that. Leave enough space in the allocated time so that you can interact with them and answer their questions.

5.       Leave behind

Those really interested in your presentation will want to follow up by looking up sources. Give them websites, books, references where they can look up to know more about your company.
As you can see, a company presentation is not a simple information presentation. The slides and the presenter need to be geared to treat it as a sales presentation.  Even if the presentation is being made internally to people who have just joined the organization, it needs to go beyond just providing information. Every company presentation is a professional sales presentation and needs to be treated as such.

Jan 20, 2011

5 Things a business presenter should learn from Sachin Tendulkar

What can a living legend in Cricket teach you about Business presentations? Is there any connection between sports and presentations? Read on to find the answers.

Every time Sachin Tendulkar gets on to the field, his game showcases his excellence to thousands of spectators who turn up just to watch his performance. Here are the 5 presentation tips from the Little Master’s game:

·         Never play without practice:

Sachin is considered not just as the best batsman in the world, but also as the best batsman to have ever played the sport. Yet, he spends hours practicing every day, before he enters the field. He never says, “It is after all the same ball and the same game”. He knows that every pitch is different and every bowler is different.

As a business presenter, it is tempting to make a client presentation without making sufficient rehearsals, because “It is the same presentation and the same subject”.  But, realize that your every client is different, and their needs are different. Your audience can easily spot your lack of preparation and they equate it to your lack of sincerity in solving their issues. So, never play without practice. 

·         Don’t play risky shots at the beginning:

Sachin Tendulkar probably has the widest range of shots to choose from, thanks to his unique talent and years of experience. Yet, when he begins his innings, he plays carefully. He realizes that any batsman is vulnerable in the first few overs of an innings. 

For you, this represents the first few minutes of the presentation. You either win over your audience or lose them in those few critical minutes. So, take your time to build your audience trust, in the opening of your presentation. 

·         Don’t play planned shots:

Tendulkar plays each ball by its merit. He knows that shots planned before judging the ball are risky. He achieves spontaneity of shot selection with hours of practice in the nets. 

This invaluable lesson is useful for your Q and A sessions. Answer your audience questions only after listening to them completely. You may get the urge to template your answers, if you have heard similar questions before. But, hold till you understand the spin of the question, before you start your answer. Practice answers to frequently asked questions on the day before your presentation.  

·         Don’t play the balls that are not in your ‘V’:

Tendulkar is always conscious of his playing area or the ‘V’ zone.  He knows that ‘away’ deliveries are dangerous. 

As a business presenter, be aware of the scope of your presentation. Never give lengthy answers to questions that are far removed from the topic of discussion. This not only bores your audience but also might cost you a deal.

·         Look to score a century each time you play:

Tendulkar tries to score a century each time he plays. He walks in with the same determination every time, and the passion shows in every stroke he makes.

As a business presenter, your passion is the most important ingredient that keeps your audience glued on to your presentation. Make every presentation with the intention of making it the best presentation you ever made. You may have made the same presentation a hundred times before. But, for your audience, it is the first time. So, show your passion.

Follow these 5 lessons and become a maestro in business presentations.

Happy presenting!

How to get your presentation top favorited online

Check out this SlideShare Presentation:

Jan 19, 2011

Free eBook 20 ways to improve your business presentation skills


This ebook contains the following topics: 

. 40
A) Creating content for a winning business presentation   
1)    The power of a 10 minute analysis   
2)    How to create a Pitch Table   
3)    What if your sales pitch is allowed just for 2 minutes?   
4)    Hunt for selling points – day   
5)    Is your business presentation Romance or Thriller?   

B) Creating better slides for a winning business presentation   
6)    Are you making flea market slides   
7)    What do your slides say about you?   
8)    Your childhood habits may kill your presentations   
9)    Don’t trigger the ‘Scan it’ button   
10)    How many slides are ideal in a sales presentation?   
11)    Is it possible to use Presentation Templates?   
12)    How to crunch your number of slides with concept diagrams?   
13)    Using concept diagrams   
14)    Zen slides can kill your sales presentations   
15)    Present with simple diagrams   
16)    The curious case of an invisible presenter   

C) Creating the mindset for winning business presentation   
17)    Are you asking your audience to throw you out   
18)    Tips for a better handshake   
19)    Don't get too close to your customers   
20)    5 ways to sell yourself in a business presentation 

Jan 18, 2011

10 Minutes To A Great Presentation

As a business presenter, you are always faced with deadlines to create your presentations. How can you create good quality presentations quickly? Here is a simple three step process:

1.       Start creating a mind dump:

It is very tempting to spend time waiting to get inspiration to start creating your presentations. A cup of coffee to ‘get you in the mood’ turns into a chat on the phone that goes on forever. Alternatively, many presenters open up their presentation software, select a standard presentation template and wait for a flash of inspiration.

Stop wasting your time, and realize that there is no shortcut to great ideas. You need to generate a lot of ideas for your presentations reject the poor ones and go ahead with the good ones. There is no way to bypass this process. 

So, when you need to create your next presentation, here is what you do. Get a piece of paper and start noting down all your ideas on the sheet. Do not ‘think’ at this point. Just focus on exhausting all your thoughts on the subject. 

Soon, you will reach a point where you either start repeating your points or draw a blank. That is the time to pause and take a look at all the thoughts you have noted down. 

2.       Club related ideas under various headings:

You would see that a number of points in your thought dump are related in some way. Start clubbing them together by giving each group a headline to represent the nature of the points. For example – features like push back seats, ample leg space and thick cushion can all be clubbed under ‘Seating comfort’. 

3.       Arrange the headings into a coherent story:

The last step is to arrange your various headings into a coherent story. This story is the ‘outline’ of your presentation. Start noting down the relevant data and the images you need to explain each heading. Once you have the outline, it doesn’t take much effort to convert it into slides. 

This method helps you to see the big picture first, before you start creating your slides. So, your presentation will have a clear flow.  I recommend you use professional presentation templates to reduce your time even further. is one such site that provides templates to help sales and marketing presenters to reduce time. 

You can crash the time for creating your presentation, from many hours to a few minutes.

The additional benefit is that you can get all your approvals for your content based on your outline, instead of your slide deck. Thus, you avoid the painful rework of your presentations. 

Hope you found the method useful. Happy presenting!