At the end of every college year, companies start brushing up their presentations to make it more professional and interesting. Their aim is to get the best of new talent and they compete with companies from across industries for this.
Here are 5 tips on how to make your presentation really stands out and attract maximum new employees.
1. Use professional presentation templates
Many times managers find it is convenient to use the existing presentation with modified data. Company presentations have too much space allocated to logo and color related branding. The people you present to will get their impression of your company based on the quality of presentation you use. Low quality images, poor opening slides, unprofessional ppt backgrounds etc. reflect badly on your company. Check online on sites like BuyAPresentation for professional ppt templates that truly reflect what your company is about – from title images to slide backgrounds to diagrams.
2. Sell your company
A company presentation is not just about your company, but also about the audience. Include slides that will tell them what they can expect when they join you. This will ensure that they attend the company interviews with interest. Tell them what is unique about the company, how their career will progress. Give them examples of people who have done well with you.
3. Dress to reflect your company
It is not just about the slides and the presentation template. You also reflect your company image. Dress the way you would dress to work on a good day. If your company is professional one, wear a suit, if it is about fun and being laid back, wear what feels comfortable.
4. Prepare for question and answer questions
While a professional company presentation covers basics like salary, locations and career paths, potential employees are bound to have questions beyond that. Leave enough space in the allocated time so that you can interact with them and answer their questions.
5. Leave behind
Those really interested in your presentation will want to follow up by looking up sources. Give them websites, books, references where they can look up to know more about your company.
As you can see, a company presentation is not a simple information presentation. The slides and the presenter need to be geared to treat it as a sales presentation. Even if the presentation is being made internally to people who have just joined the organization, it needs to go beyond just providing information. Every company presentation is a professional sales presentation and needs to be treated as such.