The first impact we make
We interact with people at different levels. Starting from an email – where the connection between individuals is no more than a few electronic pixels, to a warm hug – where the connection is friendly and personal.
You would notice that the closer we get to an individual; the better is the level of engagement (of course, getting too close before knowing the person sufficiently well, invades the personal space of the other individual).
If we represent the distance between people, based on our different methods of engagement, this is how the continuum looks:
As you can see, a handshake is the closest you get in a business relationship. In trying to remember the tips on handshake etiquette, it is important not to forget this basic purpose.
A good handshake sets the expectation for a presentation. So, how to shake hands to achieve the best level of engagement with your customers? Here are the 5 tips:
1. 1. Look into the eyes and smile before you shake hands:
Nothing builds a better engagement than a genuine smile and sincere eye contact. A handshake merely adds to the connection.
2. 2. Say your name and a greeting while you shake hands:
A good handshake lasts not more than 4 seconds. The time is just enough to say your name and convey your happiness in meeting your prospect. It is not the time to recite your bio data or your company’s history.
3. 3. Volunteer your hands by getting up and walking towards your prospect:
When your effort to engage with the prospect is genuine, the prospect always responds warmly. Do not wait for the prospect to extend hands. If in a rare case, the prospect doesn’t extend hands – lower your hands while keeping the smile and eye contact. The warmth is still conveyed.
4. 4. Use only one hand if it is your first meeting:
Adding your free hand to the shake conveys intimacy. If you use both your hands, you may look artificial and over eager.
5. 5. Let your handshake be a handshake:
Whether you are a woman or a man, the handshake should be firm, with your full hand (not just your fingers) and pumped 3 or 4 times. Be warm and be genuine. Everything else is just details.
I hope these tips help you make a better connection with your prospects, the next time you make your sales presentation. Happy selling!
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